Sharetings – The Place To Reduce Waste

5 Steps to a Successful Chinese New Year Spring Clean with Sharetings

The Chinese New Year is fast approaching, and with it comes the traditional spring cleaning ritual. This is a chance to start the year fresh by decluttering and organizing your home. But with limited time and so much to do, where do you start?

Never fear, Sharetings is here to help with our 5 simple steps to a successful spring clean:

  1. Make a plan. Before you begin, take some time to make a list of everything that needs to be done. This will help you prioritize tasks and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Set aside a few hours each day to tackle the most important areas of your home, such as the kitchen.
  2. Get rid of unnecessary clutter. It’s time to say goodbye to outdated calendars, old electronics, and hardly worn-clothes. The more you declutter, the easier it will be to clean and the more space you’ll have. Be practical and keep what you need, but don’t forget to recycle or donate items that are still in good condition. And when it comes to recycling, remember to recycle right and use the blue bin and consider sharing your gently used items on the Sharetings app.
  3. Get organized. Now that you’ve decluttered, it’s time to put everything in its place. Consider using storage solutions like boxes and bins to keep miscellaneous items organized. Designate specific areas for shoes, clothes, documents, and other items, and don’t forget to label boxes for easy access.
  4. Brighten up your space. Give your home a festive touch with Chinese New Year decorations like spring festival couplets, red paper-cuttings, and lanterns. Accent pieces in red or gold, like lampshades and throw pillow covers, can also add a touch of prosperity to your home.
  5. Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. With these simple steps, your home will be clean, organized, and ready to welcome in the new year. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the festivities of the Year of the Rabbit.